Luka Brave
Feb 27, 20233 min read
Special interests are how we thrive
This is why so many Autistic people celebrate a phenomenon that we call "special interests."
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Kris Herrick
Feb 16, 20233 min read
My autism life coach found solutions where therapy couldn't
No matter how dedicated you are to working on yourself in therapy, some things in life just need a different approach.
402 views2 comments
Luka Brave
Jan 10, 20232 min read
Independent living skills aren't everything
We embrace two other concepts that we find enable people more than the myth of independence--autonomy and interdependence.
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Kris Herrick
Jan 4, 20234 min read
What does autism feel like? I'm still figuring that out.
Thanks to alexithymia, autism often feels like not knowing how I feel in the first place.
319 views0 comments
Christiana Tunnicliffe
Dec 28, 20222 min read
4 grocery store perils for Autistic shoppers (here's how to cope)
Grocery stores are notorious as one of the most overwhelming places for the neurodivergent community, Autistics included.
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Luka Brave
Dec 9, 20222 min read
Tackle that to-do list: tips for executive dysfunction and autism
Some autistic people who struggle with executive dysfunction may have been told that they're lazy or unmotivated, but it's just not true!
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